Government Announces Special Payment for Laid-Off Workers made Redundant After Pandemic
The Government has confirmed that the section 12A provision of the Redundancy Payments Act 1967 (as amended), will end on the 30 September 2021, as previously agreed. The Section 12A provision was introduced as an emergency measure in March 2020...

Update to the Work Safely Protocols
The Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment has published an update to the work safely protocols. The update reflects updated Public Health advice and knowledge. The update contains the inclusion of new symptoms associated with the Delta variant of COVID-19...

Guidance note on returning safely to the workplace from 20th September
A guidance note on returning safely to the workplace from 20th September last has now been published by the LEEF Consultative Group. The Guidance Note can be found here. As per the Government’s plan announced on 31st August last, there are...

Ireland’s plan for the next and final phase of COVID-19
The Government has agreed Ireland’s plan for the next and final phase of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic COVID-19: Reframing the Challenge, Continuing Our Recovery and Reconnecting. Over 88 percent of the population over 18 are fully vaccinated, with...

Views on Right to Request Remote Work published
The Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar TD today published views from members of the public and stakeholder groups on the right to request remote work. Earlier this year the Tánaiste published Ireland’s first National Remote...

Indoor hospitality reopens
What will happen on Monday when indoor hospitality reopens? From Monday indoor hospitality will reopen for people who are fully vaccinated or recovered from Covid in the past six months, as well as children under 18 in their care. This...

Phased Reopening of Indoor Hospitality Agreed by Government
Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar and the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin today welcomed the Government decision to agree a phased approach to reopen the hospitality sector in a...

Help if you have staff on the PUP who are reluctant to return to work
Thankfully many business now have a clearer view of when they will be able to reopen for business. This will be a very busy period as many employers are reopening or scaling up their services. Our previous experience is that...

Checklist for remote working
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment has prepared a checklist for employers with remote workers. This checklist has been prepared to provide employers with a quick way to navigate the adoption of remote working arrangements. This checklist covers the key...

CRSS – How to make a claim
How to make a claim A two-step process is necessary to make a claim under COVID Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS). The eligible business must both: register for CRSS on Revenue Online Service (ROS) complete a claim in respect of a claim...